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Thread: People running a Ford 9"

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Western, KY

    People running a Ford 9"

    I'm getting ready to swap to a 4 link and a 9" but I'm having problems finding a way to keep 6 lug. Do you all know of a conversion kit or parts that i can use I'm switching to drums, i know DBrods have done the conversion but cant find the backing plates or actual drums for our 6 lug. If you can give me some part numbers i would be very grateful thanks.
    Maybe STOCK
    "My lugnuts require more torque than your ricer is ever going to produce"
    Sleep: That Stuff Is Overrated
    "You don't care what it is, or who makes it, as long as they race it. You my friend are a true Gear Head!" (Drew Anderson)
    Who's the real culprit of Obeisity: video games because their scared of physical activities, or Pillsbury for being so delicious?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Western, KY
    Maybe STOCK
    "My lugnuts require more torque than your ricer is ever going to produce"
    Sleep: That Stuff Is Overrated
    "You don't care what it is, or who makes it, as long as they race it. You my friend are a true Gear Head!" (Drew Anderson)
    Who's the real culprit of Obeisity: video games because their scared of physical activities, or Pillsbury for being so delicious?

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