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Thread: Amp Wattage

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Tulsa, OK

    Amp Wattage

    I have a stupid question and I just dont know the answer or if it even matters. I'm going to upgrade my audio and like most of you there is an issue with what size box I can fit in my vehicle. Space makes bass so I'm thinkin about putting in a dual sub box made to go behind the seats (instead of downfiring like I have now) in my crew cab or I'm thinking about going from 2 subs down to 1 and getting a single sub under seat box with more power.

    So now for what could be a stupid question.... Is there a difference in sound, bass, or loudness between going with say 2 150watt subs or going with 1 300watt sub?

    I may be pushing 300w but not really sounding like 300w if its coming through 2subs right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    More cone area with same power = louder, unless you have a special box called a 1/4 wave. I had a single 10 in a 1/4 wave on about 600 watts and it killed my pair of 10s with 800 watts in both sound quality and loudness. The only downside to 1/4 wave boxes is the amount of room they require.
    Last edited by Duct_tape123; 12-26-2010 at 12:27 PM.
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Maui, HI
    I had a single 10 in a 1/4 wave on about 600 watts and it killed my pair of 10s with 800 watts in both sound quality and loudness.
    Same sub in both instances?
    99 Silverado 1500 4x4 RC 4.8
    4L60E, 3.73, Homemade CAI, 92oct Quik tuned,
    08 Tahoe radiator/fans, Dumped exhaust... summed up one loud pig caller |[226K! on odometer|

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    Yep, DC audio level 2 10.
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Tulsa, OK
    Wheres a good place to get a 1/4 wave box DT? When you say cone size you mean going up to a 12" sub right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    1/4 wave boxes are sub specific, so it would have to be custom made to your sub of choice. I don't know if any commercial outfit builds custom 1/4 wave boxes, but I can design and build them. And when I say more cone area I mean any combination of subwoofers that is more cone area than you have now. Example: 2-10s are more than 1-12. The way to find approximate cone area is measure from the center of the surround to the center of the surround and use the formula A=(pi)r^2
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

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