you should be fine with the lifters, id through hardended pushrods since you have it apart, stock length, best way to tell what year the engine is is by the pistons, dished is 01-05 i believe and flat is 4.8 01-05 and also 06 5.3. or just find the stamp on the engine and google it. and not sure about the comp, hope someone else chimes in
Today 03:25 am 6 stringer o thats a good point, its ok ill just add a blinker fluid cooler
Today 03:24 AMtruckinL33 that's not a good place for it, you can overheat your blinker fluid with the capacitor
Today 03:23 AMtruckinL33 i need them for when i go back to 1985
Today 03:23 AM6stringer i mounted my flux capacitor next to my blinker fluid resevoir
Today 03:22 AMtruckinL33 me too, right next to my flux compasator!
Today 03:22 AM6stringer hey gear oil needs to be cooled, i have front and rear diff coolers