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Thread: Oil pickup tube O ring

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  1. #1

    Question Oil pickup tube O ring

    I have seen conflicting opinions for the correct oil pickup tube O ring on the LS motor....I recently bought a conversion pan kit and the O ring is reddish in color and is pretty thick ( about .174") ...... I have read that Gm's updated O ring for this app. is a blue O ring #12557752 which is thinner (about .134").....not sure when this suggested update came in to play....makes sense that a fatter one would seal better but just checking in to see if anyone has heard anything on the situation..........thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southeastern Wisconsin
    Noooo! Stay with the red one!

    I had the blue one in my 99 sierra for ever, did a cam swap and upgraded to the red one, i have had fantastic oil pressure ever since!

    1999 GMC Sierra SLE ECSB .... 5.3L w/ Slight Performance Tune / True Duals with Flo Pro Glass Packs.

    Project ''Bad Company'' Future = 6.0L (Forged Internals) / Boost (TVS) / 4L65E LvL 5 / AWD Conversion / Full LT's with Cats / Methanol Injection / Lowered 2" / SS Rims / Frame Up resto

    Officially Employed!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    The blue one is for the f-body pickup tube, the red one is for the truck.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  4. #4
    ALSO, was just informed that the red one goes with the tube that has a recess for the O ring........thanks ......

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