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Thread: checking Dexcool with voltmeter?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Question checking Dexcool with voltmeter?

    I read a post about checking your Dexcool that said to put the negative lead on the negative post of the battery and the positive lead into the Dexcool & that a reading of .2-.5 is good. .2-.5 what? What setting should the meter be set on, DC volts, Ohms, what? Consider me an electrical imbecile... :-) Thanks!

  2. #2
    I would bet DC
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    White Settlement, Texas
    definetly Volts DC and very small Voltage if it has multiple settings for that.... anything .4 volts or higher i would prolly no bueno to me thats just my opinion with that much eloectrolosis in the water seems like a bad idea...GL
    Barks better than it bites......

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