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Thread: 07 5.3 to LQ9..emissions equipment..

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NAS China Lake California

    Question 07 5.3 to LQ9..emissions equipment..

    I have an 07 2wd with a 5.3 in it, and was poking around looking for info on an LQ9 swap. I saw a bunch of things on how everything bolts up with the swap....but what about the emissions equipment, and the fuel systems...are they the same? Can you basically just bolt everything up and go, swapping all of the emissions equipment over from a Vortec Max truck...or is there more to it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    its all the same

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quartz Hill, CA
    Just bring everything over to my house.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NAS China Lake California
    Craig.....you KNOW that we would probrably land up getting too s-faced to do anything besides put an air filter in it! I am undecided with what to do man....radix..LQ9...or a JUG....an LQ9 would be fun if all of the emissions equipment bolted right up...
    Last edited by RedHeartbeat; 09-08-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quartz Hill, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by JeRM82 View Post
    Craig.....you KNOW that we would probrably land up getting too s-faced to do anything besides put an air filter in it! I am undecided with what to do man....radix..LQ9...or a JUG....an LQ9 would be fun if all of the emissions equipment bolted right up...
    Freakin sailors!

    We can do an LQ9 swap and no one will know the difference!

    It really helps to have something like HP Tuners to turn off those annoying emissions codes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NAS China Lake California
    OOPS...sorry...kinda didnt even think about the language there...sometimes being in the military you forget how normal people talk....wont happen again..

  7. #7
    Slimsilverado Guest
    yea the MOD NAZI's will get you broseph....

  8. #8
    What yr is the lq9? Classic 07 or nnbs?
    03' Silverado RCSB H/C 5.3, 4L80,76mm KBracing Kit
    13' Sierra Denali 2500HD CCSB 4x4

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NAS China Lake California
    Quote Originally Posted by graysilverado5.3 View Post
    What yr is the lq9? Classic 07 or nnbs?
    Its an 07 classic.....I found a few 07 LQ9's on car-part.com....i keep seeing the "other" vortec max motors on there too....probrably wont be worth it to swap anything other than an LQ9 into it.....if I did swap in the LQ9 it would have to be a california smog legal wap....so all of the emisions equipment would have to be hooked up and in use.....I would LOVE to put an LQ9 into it, but it would have to have shortie JBA's on it instead of long tubes because of the california smog nazi's....dont really know if it would do the motor swap any justice if it just had shorties on it....LOL....what do you guys think?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Roma, Texas
    if you have a new body style 07 chevy you should go with the l76 aluminum or the ly6 iron block 6.0 or a 6.2, the lq9 has a 24 reluctor wheel and the gen 4 motors have a 36 reluctor timing wheel.
    GLADIATOR 6.0 2007 nnbs chevy 13.2 1/4mi. busting my drive shaft at 106 mph before the finish line
    CHEATER 6.0 2000 gmc xcab lq9 fully bolt on 12.52 motor and 11.62 n2o.

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