I was curious if there was a dedicated forum (that is worth a SH!T) for the OBS trucks like the one that I currently own?
If you know of one please just let me know.
Thanks in advance.
I was curious if there was a dedicated forum (that is worth a SH!T) for the OBS trucks like the one that I currently own?
If you know of one please just let me know.
Thanks in advance.
1998 Silverado Z-71 Ext Cab. 5.7L Descreened MAF, K&N direct replacment, 32x11.5 R15 AT's,Posi rear end, True duel w/Magnaflows, Sub woofer setup, Remote starter.
Are you talking about this site or any site in general?
oh yeah I know of this great forum that has a lot of 98 OBS truck guys on it that have done lots of mods/and or swaps.. I cant remember the name, oh yeah
1951 3100
1984 C10
I would like to know of a place too, I want to mod my 98 4.3L v6
There is no forum that states OBS 88-98 Silvys here but people around here know a thing or two about them. I dont personally. Are you trying to find an entire site that is strictly OBS? Are you trying to find a site that has a special forum? Need more info. If you have any questions just ask.
Special forum and/or special site. I was just wondering, I am also on Truck Forums - Truck Enthusiast Forum for Ford Chevy Dodge Toyota Nissan GMC pickup trucks. But I was just wondering if there is a site that I was missing or if I am at a good place to stick around.
I am mainly looking for guys that have done all kinds of mods to my style and more important, the same motor as mine.
I know that the LS series motors are so much more mod friendly, and produce more power stock than mine. But I am looking for specific outputs for mods and what combos have worked for guys in the past.
I am no stranger to modifications or to repairs and diagnosing motors, I am not however friendly to typing! Siriously though, I am just looking for people with the OBS trucks to ponder some questions off of. And see what running trends are out there for what I have.
Thanks for the help. I will definetly stay here, but if anybody knows of any thing else, please let me know.
1998 Silverado Z-71 Ext Cab. 5.7L Descreened MAF, K&N direct replacment, 32x11.5 R15 AT's,Posi rear end, True duel w/Magnaflows, Sub woofer setup, Remote starter.
He's looking for Vortec tech I guess. We can answer questions on those too just most people here prefer the LS engines...hence the website name.
GMFullsize.com used to be about OBS trucks but most have moved up to the NBS or latest style trucks, GMT900?
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
Chevy Truck World has a bunch of guys who have the OBS style and most of them know plenty about the truck. Several SAS's also.
I will stay with what I have. I like it here and don't want to have to learn a new site. Plus I can get to these sites at work, so me typing looks like I am working but I am screwing off.
Thanks again. It was worth a shot. I was more curious than anything. I guess I will rely on you guys for answers! LOL!
Thanks, Gary
1998 Silverado Z-71 Ext Cab. 5.7L Descreened MAF, K&N direct replacment, 32x11.5 R15 AT's,Posi rear end, True duel w/Magnaflows, Sub woofer setup, Remote starter.