Yesterday I just Checked vacum leaks at the inyectors, none found!!!!
Checked for Exhaust Leaks and found one in the header joint with the rest of the tube to the back, small but could hit crazy the O2 of that side as Allen told me.
Changed from new AC Platnium Stock Plugs to the Champion RC9YC gapped at 0.35"
Went last night to a dinner meeting, and comming out form that in a red light mi car suddently died!!!!!
I Said WTF.
I tow it to my mother in law house an left it there.
The problem is weird cause if I leaft the truck sit still and cold for 15-20 min it starts great and idles for abou 5 min and the dies again.
I change all the Relays I could found but the same thing.
Have Fuel presure around 56psi and with some hearing and ca detect the 2 pumps working well.
But I have no Spark at the Spark Cable on none of the Coils!!!!!!!!! !
Test light the conectors of the coil (4 wires) and with ignition on just one have power, and in craking mode. still just one have power, the other 3 wires dont show anything.
Can any body enlight me on this one?
I all my 5.3L have never happend this to me????
So no experience at all...please, tonight I want to big bass some ricer dudes!!!!!!!!!
Need a Freakin' Roll Cage, and a Death Insurance