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Thread: 4L60E no 2nd gear

  1. #1

    4L60E no 2nd gear

    Sorry if this has been covered alreayd, but I'm not sure where to look.
    I have a RCSB 2002 Silverado 2wd 5.3 V8.
    The Transmission has had a rattle in it for some time. The other day I took off easy and the trans was rattling more than usual, So I thought, lets see if it will hold. and Gunned it from a roll, and "Clunk veeroooom" It was like the transmission was in neutral.

    Long story shot, 2nd geer does not work, goes from 1st to 3rd at 20-25 mph when I let off gas.. reverse is also out.

    Is it better to just replace the whole thing or have rebuilt.

    Any special tools to remove transmission on an ls1 engine?, I've done some TH400's 727's, 700R4

    Does these trans in the trucks require other truck trans to replace them?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Ottawa, ON
    Sounds like you broke your reaction sunshell, no tools required to R&R a trans. You could have it rebuilt with a beast sunshell or get an aftermarket transmission already built for the power you're pushing. Check out FLT transmission's website.
    2000 Chevy Silverado RCSB LS6 5 speed, LS6 short block, 317 heads, LS6 intake, Lunati 220/224 .575/.575 112LSA cam, Edelbrock Headers, CTS-V accessory drive, Nelson Performance Custom Tune.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Where are you located?
    ECSB 2kSierra 2wd 4.8L-K&N-HPtuners-Calspeed LT's-Magnaflow-Tahoe20's-HankookRH06

    waiting to go in... 3.90s, 214/220cam

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by 00shortbox View Post
    Sounds like you broke your reaction sunshell, no tools required to R&R a trans. You could have it rebuilt with a beast sunshell or get an aftermarket transmission already built for the power you're pushing. Check out FLT transmission's website.

    Thanks. I have researched and yes, it seems the sunshell is broke, from what the symptoms are. I have checked out FLT already. they are only 180 miles to the north of me. Even their lowest end model $$ 1595 is beefed up pretty good.
    I could have a local replaced the sunshell and new rebuult kit for just a little less and would not be as strong as a FLT 4l60. I do not track race, but I can drive it hard sometimes.

    Special tools, What I was asking is, does it take any special tools to take one of those 4L60's out of a LS1 truck? I noticed the bell housing bolts are awful close, and look hard to get to. What does most of you do to get those upper bell housing bolts out? from the top or bottom somehow? special wrenches sockets ETC?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    Remove drive shaft. Remove shift cable, electrical connections, and cooler lines. Remove y-pipe. Remove starter and remove three converter bolts. Pull trans cross member and let it sag a little. Use a 3' extension and remove the bell housing bolts. I believe two of the bolts also hold a harness clip so there will be an extra nut on the bolt then you can loosen the bolt. Then separate the trans from the block and remove from truck.
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    If you have access to a car lift you do what duct said and leave the two bolts on the side of the housing . Put a 55 gallon drum under the trans, lower the truck down until the trans is sitting on the drum. Now remove the last 2 bolts, slide trans back and raise the truck back up with the lift. That's how I do it by myself.

  7. #7
    update !! Trans working and hooked up. Sunshell was broke, had them put in beast shell, heavy 2-4 band, heavy 4rth clutch pack etc with rebuild kit..

    New problem. it goes into all the gears right, but the indicator does not work right, neutral shows park, etc, starts in park and drivel. but not neutral, 3rd, 2nd or 1st (and reverse). Reverse light does not come on, only in neutral the light comes on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Ur mlp not lined up correctly. Or bad. Thats manual lever positioner. Or the little black box on side of trans.

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