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Thread: how to program abs to work if it is off another truck

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Austin Texas

    how to program abs to work if it is off another truck

    i have a 99 chevy with a 5.3 and my abs module went out. i took it to the chevy dealership and they said 190 for them to put it in and program it and 80 to bleed the brakes. is there anyway i can program it. iit came out of another truck it is not brand new. its 3 bolts and the brake lines and 2 plugs. i can install it no problem. no need for me to take it in if i can fix it my self. i can gravity bleed the brakes and it should be alright huh. help please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    You need to clear up your nomenclature. The ABS "module" AKA EBCM doesn't need programmed and does not require opening the hydraulic system so no bleeding needed. The EBCM is held to the hydraulic portion of the unit with FOUR screws (T20 to be exact) so three is confusing. All of this adds up for me to advise you to NOT attempt the repair until we get a better idea what your issue is and how to fix it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Austin Texas
    i meant it had 3 bolts that mount it to the frame the whole module and the hydraulic portion. its mounted on the bracket. i have air in my brake lines already. i had a jackass friend try and help me with my brakes and he decided it would be good to pull the brake line off the brake caliber so now there is air in the lines. does this help at all with what i am getting at. thanks alot. i love this website

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    If you have a module FAIL, just replace it. You can get remans on eBay for a lot less than a new one. Bleeding the system is a lot easier with your existing hydraulic unit even if the system has been opened. It's uncommon to need the hydraulic part.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Austin Texas
    and i just bolt it back up and plug it in and thats it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas

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