will my ASP ud pulley work with my whipple?
hey guys as some of you know i picked up a whipple charger a little while back. the kit was missing the Crank Pulley and i already have an ASP underdrive pulley, any chance you guys think i can get away with using the ASP pulley with my whipple or should i just have a pulley sent from whipple for my kit. what would it affect? if i have an AFR Gauge, a boost guage and all the other necessary guages and just make sure to monitor them i dont see why it would be an issue? and im sure i could find a belt that would work. just thinking ahead as it will probably be my winter project. i know some of you are very against the whipple but i already have it and its to crazy to go STS at this point. plus im in maine and rarely do we see an 80 degree day in the summer. its usally 70's on average so i dont thing heat soaking will be a huge issue. lemme hear your thoughts. thanks all.