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Thread: Synthetic Fluids

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  1. #1

    Synthetic Fluids

    I have some conflicting info on starting to run synthetic fluids on higher mileage vehicles. My truck has just over 80k on it and as far as I know has not ever had anything but regular fluids in it. I was going to flush everything here soon and do all synthetics. What do you all think? I have heard bad things about making the swap after higher miles.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You can do it.It won't cause a problem,just use a quality synthetic.The differentals should have synthetic anyway from the factory.
    '00 1/2 TON ECSB 5.3L 4L60E
    K&N Filter,Gibson Exhaust,Superchips Programmer,Billet Servos,'03+ Taillights,White Door Handles,Carbon Metallic Grille Emblem,6000K HID'S

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by DUALLS View Post
    You can do it.It won't cause a problem,just use a quality synthetic.The differentals should have synthetic anyway from the factory.
    Thanks, I was going to go with Mobile, what is a good synthetic for the trans? I was going to flush do a new filter then fill up with synthetic. How long is the diff fluid good for? As far as I can see it is dry as a bone, no leaks at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Racoon Twp., PA
    I use Mobile 1 5w30 for motor, valvoline Synthetic in tranny, Mobile 1 90/140 in Diffs w/addative, regular atf in T-Case.

    Some say not to use synthetic in the tranny because it will clean out all the junk. Just make sure you use a line/converter cleaner. Comes in a pressurized can that you hook up the cooling line and pump it through the system.
    2013 CC 5.3
    81 C10 LS1 project

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tanz45 View Post
    I use Mobile 1 5w30 for motor, valvoline Synthetic in tranny, Mobile 1 90/140 in Diffs w/addative, regular atf in T-Case.

    Some say not to use synthetic in the tranny because it will clean out all the junk. Just make sure you use a line/converter cleaner. Comes in a pressurized can that you hook up the cooling line and pump it through the system.
    Thanks, I was going to hook up the trans to the BG machine at my friends shop and do a full tranny flush first. Then fill it up with synthetic, would this be acceptable? Do you know what the recommended change on the diff oil is? It is a 4wd Z71.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Racoon Twp., PA
    Used those flush machines before, I never had any issues with them.

    Diff fluid, prob 80-100K. Depends I guess on what you are doing with it.
    2013 CC 5.3
    81 C10 LS1 project

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by tanz45 View Post
    Used those flush machines before, I never had any issues with them.

    Diff fluid, prob 80-100K. Depends I guess on what you are doing with it.
    Do you know if the BG semi syntheitc trans fluid is any good? I can get it at cost for el cheapo.

    To all the rest of you guys thanks! Cheers!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    S.A. Texas
    I use Royal Purple in the my whole truck. Engine RP 5w30, RP ATF, and RP 90wt in the diff
    Name: Mark,
    God created turbo lag so nitrous trucks could have a chance.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    +1 ^ i only use royal purple for my whole truck along with my other cars

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quartz Hill, CA
    I switched my truck over to all synthetic fluids after I bought it at 70k miles. I run Amsoil in everything and don't have any problems.

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