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Thread: Ls6 Long block swap w/ 4.8 04 Silverado

  1. #1

    Ls6 Long block swap w/ 4.8 04 Silverado

    Hey guys i just recently purchased a 2003 ls6 long block for a steal. I was wanting to put it into my 2004 Silverado and i was wondering what will i need to complete the swap? can i do the same as the ls1 and just interchange everything and just get a tune or what? every ones input and thoughts will be highly appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    Should bolt right in. You might have to swap the valve covers as well, the LS6 had and extra PCV port I think.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  3. #3
    Would i have to do anything different to my transmission? or any suggested upgrades i could get for it it a 4LE60?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    FLT. You could get a shift kit and servo.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  5. #5
    You should definitely without a doubt reinforce the tranns!!! The stock trans is about good for around 360hp in these trucks before people notice problems on a stock tranny setup!! Shift kit and servos will help..I'd say go FLT honestly..I have a L5 80e and its the best investment i made on this thing so far. It handles the power like its nothing and it shifts into gear without any hesitation!!! The 60e wont be quite as hardcore but will definitely hold some power. I think the 60e fully built will hold around 550 before it lets completely go. If you plan on going further than that then id consider a stock 80e which will handle the same as a fully built 60e

  6. #6
    Yea but that seems like a very big hassle to cut and weld new parts to my under body to make the 4l80e fit. Does anyone else have any input on this subject? i mean if its that good of an investment i will do it but much later after the ls6 short block swap. Thanks

  7. #7
    ff_jeff Guest
    ask allen if he will make you a swap kit on the 4l80. He might do it.

  8. #8
    Uuuuuuh, what makes you think that you have to cut and weld anything??? All you have to do is buy a new crossmember!! Splice the two little red and blue wires into the wiring Harness on the PCM side for the speed sensor. Really an extremely easy swap. Last thing to do is order up your new driveshaft and youre done!!! Not cutting no welding

  9. #9
    So this allen guy can make a conversion kit maybe? Whose is he and how could i contact him im new to this site so i dont know many people. Thanks

  10. #10
    No need to make one at all...here ya go

    4L60E to 4L80E Swap, Attention 4WD Owners with Superchargers

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