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Thread: just when things were running great

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    just when things were running great

    i run into another problem without throwing codes though, lol

    now i have like babbling when shifting from 1st to 2nd to 3rd with loss of power then all of a sudden it picks back up ..it happens just before it shifts at WOT...

    well i broke down and bought hp tuners so maybe i can record some of this data and actually learn something lol just hope i get it less than 3 weeks lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Did you have torque management removed? Also, is the fuel tank full or at least 3/4 full? A good electronic fuel gauge will help to see if you're running out of fuel at high RPMs, too. What's cool is you can hook it into the enhanced version of HPT to track your fuel pressure as you drive.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RedHeartbeat View Post
    Did you have torque management removed? Also, is the fuel tank full or at least 3/4 full? A good electronic fuel gauge will help to see if you're running out of fuel at high RPMs, too. What's cool is you can hook it into the enhanced version of HPT to track your fuel pressure as you drive.
    thanks red yeah thats one reason i bought tuners, plus the trouble of having retunes and such, but anyway it threw a code P0121 later last night.. i had a pretty much full tank of gas, but i also noticed this morning i cranked the truck and it died backing out of drive way after 2 ft or less, then it took alittle peddle and a few turns of the ignition for it to crank again... figuring i might have leak down in the tank from the hose from the pump, its a walbro done had to correct it once before ..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Newark, Tx.
    David, if you have a fuel pressure gauge, turn the key on and watch the pressure. See if it bleeds off or stays steady.
    '92 GMC reg. cab, step side. 7.32@ 92.3. SOLD
    New project: '00 S-10 ext. cab, ZQ8, 370, T-56, daily driver.

  5. #5
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    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by trtturbo View Post
    David, if you have a fuel pressure gauge, turn the key on and watch the pressure. See if it bleeds off or stays steady.
    hey billy how ya been lol i know busy as hell, anyway i will give it a try sometime today. anyway the P0121 code decided to go away, i hadnt ran wot to find out if the babbling or popping stopped between shifts at wot...

    p.s. i think it only bleeds down when truck is just sitting if not mistaken, doesnt do it often ... oh yeah red there was 10% of torque management left ..

    hey billy do you know if dustin still has those headers for the 87 he once posted, if so ask him if he would sell them to me they should fit my 84 chevy c10

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Newark, Tx.
    Do you mean the Pacesetters he used on his '79?
    When you turn the key on, the pressure should go to 58-60 and not fall. It should only take a couple of seconds too.
    Let me know if your problem is still there at WOT. I do have some thougths on that.
    '92 GMC reg. cab, step side. 7.32@ 92.3. SOLD
    New project: '00 S-10 ext. cab, ZQ8, 370, T-56, daily driver.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    ok tried it earlier, yes when key is turned on fuel guage goes to 58 lbs then drops off to 40 like in less than a minute, question is with the key and leaving it on does the fuel drop off? now for the babbling or popping at wot, it happens just before shift and looses alittle bit of power before it catches up with next shift... but yes its still happening

    would the pacesetters fit a 84 2wd c10 ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Newark, Tx.
    David, next if you can watch the gauge while you drive, see what fuel pressure does at wot as you drive. It should not change much. It should stay around 58psi.
    '92 GMC reg. cab, step side. 7.32@ 92.3. SOLD
    New project: '00 S-10 ext. cab, ZQ8, 370, T-56, daily driver.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by trtturbo View Post
    David, next if you can watch the gauge while you drive, see what fuel pressure does at wot as you drive. It should not change much. It should stay around 58psi.
    yeah was thinking the same just gotta figure out how i am gonna rig it up to see the guage i can remove the gauge and put A hose there then attach gauge out side of truck up by winshield... i'll figure something out probably get parts from work tomorrow .. remember the regulator was mounted up front of the engine in front of passenger side head...

    on a side note, isnt the fitting a 3/8 npt fitting ..( guage that screws into the regulator)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Newark, Tx.
    its 1/8npt. You might be able to rig up a hose and run it to the windshield and tape it there while you drive.
    david, p.m. me your #.
    '92 GMC reg. cab, step side. 7.32@ 92.3. SOLD
    New project: '00 S-10 ext. cab, ZQ8, 370, T-56, daily driver.

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