My engine is making this noise at idle. Turns into an intermittant peck at around 2000 rpm in part.
After I first started the truck up after the tranny install the noise was not there. Was there before shutting it down to change the transmission. As the truck warmed up the noise came back.
Clicky for the noise.wav
I've pulled the serpentine belt and AC belt and started it but was still there.
Engine idles fine, runs good, good oil pressure, temperature is normal. The PCM is not throwing any codes.
I pulled the plugs and all look normal. I took a look under the Valve cover on the passenger side today and found nothing wrong.
I really don't know what the noise is. I've heard spun rods but the ones I've heard knock. It isn't a knock.
A spun cam bearing? I've read this will screw up you oil pressure though.
I'm at a loss... I've heard many noises but none like this.
Any ideas?