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Thread: 5.3 exhaust in obs truck

  1. #1

    5.3 exhaust in obs truck

    Will the factory 5.3 y pipe fit in an obs truck like a 1995 GMC sierra with a 4l60e 4wd. I would like to use the stock 5.3 pipe if possible? If not any pics to give me some ideas on how to route it . Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    mansfield texas
    Why not get correct headers and do full true single 3" cause factory isn't three inch. And these engines love to exhale!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by gta87305 View Post
    Will the factory 5.3 y pipe fit in an obs truck like a 1995 GMC sierra with a 4l60e 4wd. I would like to use the stock 5.3 pipe if possible? If not any pics to give me some ideas on how to route it . Thanks
    we did a conversion on a '91, the stock Y fit. I can't remember if we had to cut and persuade it to fit, but it was very close or did fit.
    We used the cats as well.
    Depending on how far forward to back you set the engine will determine if the stock manifold flanges will clear the frame. You might have to grind a little bit on the flange.

  4. #4
    because i dont wanna. I wanted to know about the y pipe thats all. Thanks to all that tried to answer my question

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