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Thread: 86 c10 6.0 swap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    86 c10 6.0 swap

    Im planning on ordering dirtydingo motor mounts. I was wondering would I have a problem swapping my 350/350 turbo over to a 6.0/4l80. My truck is bagged an bodied I'm kinda worried on it fitting any infor would be greatly appreciated. New to all the ls an lq motors

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Douglasville Ga
    IF there were a ground clearance issue it would be the oil pan. If needed, you could swap the Truck pan for an F body pan and pickup. I have little experience with body dropped trucks but I imagine an 80e should still fit in tunnel. Good luck!

  3. #3
    not sure about the c10's but on a bodied 88-98 i know you need an f-body pan. chad(Groundedbigbody) just did a swap in his bodied 94 suburban. another thing you may have to worry about is the truck intake may be too high & you may have to use an LS1/LS6 intake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Rpm this is kevin with the green bodied c10 on 26s I talked to chad he Told me about the camaro oil pan but the way I'm bodied I don't think it'll be a issue but if so I'll be ordering one. A friend was was telling me about the ls6 intake which I may be doing bc I was thinking of machining down the heads an making it a ls6 an changing what's needed to complete the engine.I'm def going to change the water pump to a ls1..... I have a 4in cowl hood so I may be good I guess I'll find out fully on Friday when I got pick it up.

  5. #5
    cool!!! another LA member. you're on the westbank right? you're more then welcome to come by & check out my swap. i know we have different trucks but you can get some measurements & what not.
    if you swap over to an F-body water pump then you will need all F-body accessories, same with the vette & truck accessories from what i understand.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I dunno I def have to find out I got a friend that works at Chevy an he knows about the engines an performance real good try get some more info from him an anyone on here. That's Kool bro I'm on the wank as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by RPM Graphics View Post
    cool!!! another LA member. you're on the westbank right? you're more then welcome to come by & check out my swap. i know we have different trucks but you can get some measurements & what not.
    if you swap over to an F-body water pump then you will need all F-body accessories, same with the vette & truck accessories from what i understand.

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