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Thread: Can I update a 1993 4L60E to the 13pin connector?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Romeoville, IL

    Can I update a 1993 4L60E to the 13pin connector?

    Hey guys, I have hopefully an easy question. Transmissions are not my thing so I apologize if this is a stupid question. Anyway I have 1993 2door yukon that i am going to swap a 5.3 into. Now I've done a lot of research into what I need to do and one thing i found is that pre-1995 4l60e trannys had a 12pin connector and the newer ones have a 13 pin connector. I looked up the wiring diagram for both and it seems the extra wire is just a ground. So I am wondering if i can just remove the electronics from a newer trans and put them in mine, rather than buy another trans?
    1993 GMC Yukon GT, 6.0 vortec, head work, no cats, cai, HpTuned by me, jasper lvl2 4l65e, nbs brake conversion

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    We reworked a new 60e harness for a customer that had an older 700r4 electronic version.
    The only difference we found was the tcc lockup wire is pwm on the new and on/off on the old. Also, the lack of a solenoid, like 3/2, can't remember.
    Anyway, it worked and worked on the older 60e we just did in the 94 truck swap.

    One thing i did was set the tcc lockup ramp rate for tcc to 100% for max and min, which should basically look like an on/off switch for the old converter lockup style.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Romeoville, IL
    well i just looked at the diagrams again, and the only difference i see is the addition of the tcc pwm solenoid. Everything else looks exactly the same. So instead of reworking the harness and changing how the pcm controls the pwm solenoid, can i just take the harness and that extra solenoid out of a newer trans and put them in mine? I have a minimum window to complete this swap once i start the tear down, so im trying to avoid changing out my trans.
    1993 GMC Yukon GT, 6.0 vortec, head work, no cats, cai, HpTuned by me, jasper lvl2 4l65e, nbs brake conversion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    not sure if the power requirements, function, etc are the same with those solenoids, but it sounds like it'll work.
    worst case, the tcc just won't lock up, but like i said, just change that in the tune.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    San Antonio, TX
    Hey Time limit hitter,

    When you read the posts that mention issues with older trnsmissions, be aware that some of these conversions were done with engines from late 90's and the ECM that came with those engines were more limited than the ECMs used today. I am running a 1994 4L60E tranny and Nelson was able to pin my wiring and program the ECM to match the 1994 electronics.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Rod View Post
    Hey Time limit hitter,

    When you read the posts that mention issues with older trnsmissions, be aware that some of these conversions were done with engines from late 90's and the ECM that came with those engines were more limited than the ECMs used today. I am running a 1994 4L60E tranny and Nelson was able to pin my wiring and program the ECM to match the 1994 electronics.

    Hey, who is this? hahahha

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Romeoville, IL
    Ok, so i had a chance to scour a used trans for parts and ideas and i think it will be simply a matter of inserting a solenoid and swapping the harness. I compared my valve body to a 2004 trans and they look identical, at least in the areas that matter. I know there are a couple updates in the channels but as far as where the pwm tcc solenoid goes the hole is the same size and depth so i'm feeling confident that all i will have to do is put in the solenoid and switch harnesses and i have an updated trans! aside from the shift linkage that is....
    1993 GMC Yukon GT, 6.0 vortec, head work, no cats, cai, HpTuned by me, jasper lvl2 4l65e, nbs brake conversion

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Wiring diagrams for 93 4L60E?


    Were you successful in getting your 4L60E to work with the LQ4? I am attempting to do the same swap. Do you have copies of the wiring diagram and / or which wires you connected from the new computer to the existing transmission?

    How did it run when you got it hooked up? Did you have problems with the transmission shifting early?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Romeoville, IL
    yeah it worked fine. All I had to do was order the newer style harness for in the trans - was like $30 on ebay - and install that and the pwm solenoid for the torque converter. The solenoid wont do anything because the trans does not have the fluid passages but it keeps the pcm happy. There is still the regular lockup solenoid so the trans and converter will function as it did before. The pwm solenoid only smooths the engagement of the torque converter. I had no shifting issues, but then again i used hptuners and modified my shift points, pressures, firmness, and shift speeds before even driving it. Basically an electronic shift kit. You will need to bore the torque converter mounting holes on your flex plate to get the torque converter to bolt up. You cannot use the newer style converter because it is larger and will not clear the bellhousing. I eventually bought a new model jasper trans with the two piece design and used that, but my 1993 4l60e worked great till i swapped it out.

    I did not modify any external wiring, the engine i bought came with the full harness and pcm so all you have to do is swap the internal trans harness, install the solenoid - takes maybe 30min - and then plug it in and enjoy

    oh yeah, the motor mount adapters i used put my engine about an inch forward. the driveshaft still fit with no issue. the newer style 4l60e is about an inch longer then the one piece design so the jasper trans it ended up being perfect
    Last edited by TimeLimitHit; 01-04-2012 at 10:14 AM.
    1993 GMC Yukon GT, 6.0 vortec, head work, no cats, cai, HpTuned by me, jasper lvl2 4l65e, nbs brake conversion

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