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Thread: WTB - 1960 through 1966 Wheels or Hubcaps or Both

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    WTB - 1960 through 1966 Wheels or Hubcaps or Both

    I'm looking to find a used/weathered/rusty set of 6 lug C10 1960 - 1966 Chevrolet Hubcaps and/or Wheels or a complete set of both.

    I don't want the wheels so bad that they are unsafe, but being scratched/rusty appearing is fine.

    Hubcaps can be horribly rusted so long as they are intact and structurally sound enough to stay affixed to the wheels.

    The Hubcaps can be colored versions or chrome appearing versions.

    No GMC, Chevrolet only.

    Tires are not needed and prefer they not come with tires.

    Here a few pictures for reference.

    2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
    2007 RC Silverado aka ?
    1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon

    "Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    mansfield texas
    U going to make a rusty rat rad?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ls2Aero View Post
    U going to make a rusty rat rad?
    That's what I'm thinking on the 66 I bought.

    Rusty Rat Rod look exterior with a nice interior and then it have the drive train from the Sleeper in it after the LSX/Twins go in the Sleeper.

    We'll see.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    mansfield texas
    Yaaaa that would be sik!! You see the k5 in truckin or went to good guys this wknd huh!!

    Theres a few here they all run together and go by lucky13... One of them is skratch's faggot ass from the show overhaulin!! He is such a dbag!and caught the never forgiving bug from this girl my ex used to get her haircut by... Her and skratch have matchin hand tattoos its hilarious... Ill round up pics!!

    Only can find one of his ride while he visits home here

    Rust rods

    Last edited by Crazy Blu; 10-03-2011 at 12:48 AM. Reason: Add pics

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Yeah that's kind of what I want to do with the 66, well almost exactly.

    Only difference is I am going to widen the rear wheels so I can get some wide tires to help with traction.

    Going to upgrade all suspension, brake system, drop in the turbo and forged 6.2, 6L80, narrowed 14 bolt, etc.

    I can order new wheels and hub caps and just distress them I reckon, but I figure it would be better to get some old ones with character.
    2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
    2007 RC Silverado aka ?
    1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon

    "Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    If I were you I'd be getting Wheel Vintiques to make you some 17" replicas of the original. Your choice of width, modern tire choices, room for a decent set of brakes, original hubcaps fit. Shouldn't be hard to make them look weathered if you leave them in that Texas sun.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I will check them out, thanks.
    2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
    2007 RC Silverado aka ?
    1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon

    "Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I had a set of factory 16" 6-lug off my '68. They might still be at DBRODS sitting out back. Nothing wrong with them, but they have a great patina. Just wheels, no caps.

    BTW, no copying my ideas!!!!
    Gone, but not forgotten!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by SCIV View Post
    I had a set of factory 16" 6-lug off my '68. They might still be at DBRODS sitting out back. Nothing wrong with them, but they have a great patina. Just wheels, no caps.

    BTW, no copying my ideas!!!!
    He is building a fuel cell for my 2011 EC right now.

    I may be interested in them if he still has them.

    Let me know if he has them and what you want for them via PM or text please.

    (903) 603 - 1795

    2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
    2007 RC Silverado aka ?
    1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon

    "Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewi...id=46434297619. If the link dosnt work get on ebay and type in vintage chevy hub caps. There's a set on there exactly like the ones in the pic and for tha cheep!

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