Alright first question is, I just installed pacesetter LTs and thier Y pipe a CAI and a nelson tune to my 04 silverado yesterday and it for sure woke the truck up quite a bit. When I first started to drive the truck yesterday (saturday) with in Id say 2min of driving the check engine light came on so I went home read the code and it came up with P0300 mutiple cylinder misfires so I just went around and checked all my plug wires to make sure they were on good and tight then erased the code and drove the truck all day and no more check engine light and even last night when it threw the code it didnt feel like anything was misfiring. Then today while I was driving I noticed that from a dead stop and ease on to the throttle the truck would almost like hesitate to get going the best way I can describe it is in a vehicle with a 5 speed and how the vehicle some what hesitates for a few seconds before it gets up to speed. But if I ease on to the gas a little bit harder theres no hesitation at all it just takes off. Any Ideas??
Then my next question is with my oil pressure gauge. Ive been having some irratic readings latley like Ill look down and it will be at 0 so Ill turn the truck off and restart it and it will go back to normal. Then on my way home today I looked down and it was at 0 so I restarted the truck and the needle like struggled to reach the center of the gauge then I watched it the rest of the way home and it slowly started to drop down to 0. Then I got gas and started the truck after filling up and it went back to normal. Any Ideas on that? I almost think its the gauge panel itself because my speedo needle is kind of notchy too and I think I read somewhere there was issues with the 04 gauge panel? But any help on both of these questions would be awesome!!