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Thread: Dirty Dingo mounts fits '96+ CK trucks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX

    Dirty Dingo mounts fits '96+ CK trucks

    Gotta '96 C Truck, 2wd, V6, 60auto trans.

    The truck was originally equipped with v6 mounts that are set back a few inches. We would have used the v6 mounts and verified these DD mounts fit, but one was busted up , so we cut them off and put v8 mounts in.

    The mounts went right in and fit just right! The position of the transmission is in the stock location, and the tailshaft angle didn't change enough to show up on the angle finder.

    Here are the pics and these the best mounts I've used so far.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Somebody needs a crank bolt.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    So these mounts should work for a 92 4wd? they definitely look like a solid built piece

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