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Thread: heating/coolant problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Plainfield, IL

    heating/coolant problem

    first, I NEVER use my heat, so it's not really a problem...just kinda annoying.

    It's like -3* here in chicago, so truck takes FOREVER to heat up (expected, since I put bigger radiator in it for summer towing)

    I just drove a good 45 minutes on highway, so truck was up to temperature. Feet were starting to go numb, so I turned on the heat...seemed to get colder. Put it towards the upper vents, and it was cold...not freezing, but def not hot. I leave redlight and get on it, I can feel warmth coming from vents. Shifts into OD and i stop acclerating, vents get colder again.

    Check coolant reservoir, and its right at the honeycomb at the bottom (about an inch below the "low" line). Everytime I fill the reservoir, it goes back to this position, but never goes below. (so I just quit adding more to the system).

    When I DO fill it, the heat works like normal, and whenever I shut the car off, it'll leak 1/8 cup or so of coolant when it's cooling down. I drove 3 hours one day, didnt lose any, shut truck off, next morning it was a little low. CAN NOT find where it's coming from. Almost seems like it's the fitting at the firewall for heater hoses (only guess this because of coloration on the exhaust manifold in the morning). I also noticed that the drain hose at the top of the reservoir usually had coolant in it, whenever I filled the container to the 'full' line.

    Anyone else have anything similar happen/ suggestions for me to fix it? I don't really care, the truck never overheats, but I don't want to have to add coolant whenever the gf is going to be in the truck, so she doesn't freeze to death (assuming lack of heat is just from low coolant, when I get on it, pump works better and pushes more coolant)

    I also have UD if that matters at all.
    blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Pittsburgh, PA
    no heat in truck and truck is up to temp. yoru heater core is clogged

    dexcool is known for clogging if you dont flush it ever couple years. dexcool has sealing agents in it to help prevent leaks however ti clogs the shit out of heater cores
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    it ain't that I'm too big to listen to the rumors, It's just that I'm too damn big to pay attention to 'em..That's the difference

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    Coolant flow shouldn't be the issue. I believe that coolant flows through the heater core all the time, so if it doesn't leak I don't know where its going. How much coolant do you add when it gets low?

    EDIT: Quik has a good point!
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    you have a fan clutch? or electric fans? or water pump going out.

    gotta find that leak, if you think its in the hose then replace it, being that cold the engine wont over heat while driving and probably not at idle since its so cold out.

    the water pump doesnt have to leak to be bad, just remove the belt, and spin the pulley by hand you will beable to feel it if you have bearing drag.
    Simple: 408 on steroids!
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Austin Tx.
    yeah dexcool sucks. I cleaned out my system and it was soo nasty. So much gunk
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Plainfield, IL
    electric fans...don't use them except in summer when AC is on

    Car got up to normal operating temp (about 190) after driving on highway, just only feel heat when rpms are above 2500 or so. Heat seems to work fine when I fill the reservoir, which I don't understand IF it was a clogged heater core (my first guess).

    When it warms up, i'll disconnect the lines and try flushing them with a hose to see if it helps at all.

    Any trick to disconnecting the firewall connections? Incase I have any problems with it.
    blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum

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