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Thread: lil advice please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    San Antonio

    lil advice please.

    will some tin foil help me seal up these type of clamps?

    I have pacesetters and ORY with these clamps at every connection and each one of them has a small leak showing. My understanding was when you cranked them down, they stretched around the pipe for a very tight seal, so if I loosen them up will they tighten back up after?

    any other suggestions?

    Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packing here allright............

  2. #2
    Mine leak too.
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Pittsburgh, PA
    i use those all the time hit them with an Inpact gun, majority of time fixes the leak
    2002 Lightning - GT headed 5.5Litre w/ Twin 7665s
    2002 Silverado - 427Lsx w/ Twin gt4202s
    2010 Silverado crewcab Z71 - 5.3litre w/ procharger
    2000 Wrangler - 5.3litre with some stance
    2014 Xsport- 3.5 Eco boost
    412 Motorsports

    it ain't that I'm too big to listen to the rumors, It's just that I'm too damn big to pay attention to 'em..That's the difference

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Waco TX
    Ha. I bet some high temp JB weld would fix it. Dont know if you wanna do that though
    DANIEL CAMMED SS 13.46 @ 98.17-- 8.58 @ 80.31

    2003 Silverado SS / LQ9 6.0L / Wheatley 93 Octane Tune / 224/228 .581 .588 110lsa / Patriot Gold Dual Springs / Comp Hardened Push Rods / Circle D 3800 stall / Pacesetter LT's / 4:10 Gears / Transgo HD-2 Shift Kit / K & N Cold Air Intake / Corvette Servo / Aeroforce Interceptor / Autometer Narrorband(Wideband on the way) / Mobile 1 Synthetic / Single Chamber Flows with X Pipe / Cats Delete with Cutouts

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    just carry them and have them welded like i do...
    2001 GMC Sierra 4.8
    lowerd 2in in rear
    custom cat-back
    and the ever so mighty K&N

    -"Faster, Faster until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."

    -Load it like a Freight Car
    -Polish it like a Show car
    -Drive it like a NASCAR

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    take the band off, spread a thin layer of high temp ultra-copper silicone around both pipes and then re-install the clamps. Let them setup overnight before starting the truck.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Can you hear the leak? I would guess not, they don't look to be leaking enough to make noise, but you never know.
    You'll see that black stuff even on stock exahust, which is sealed up real nice.
    Try to tighten them some more, the band will stretch and we've never broken a bolt.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    San Antonio
    they all seem to be seated all the way down and I cant hand tighten them anymore, but I will hit em with an impact this weekend.

    Allen, with the extra mechanical noise (small ticking ) from motor area from the headers, its hard to say,with my novice ears its hard to tell if its a leak or just normal noisees but yeah, it just kinda sounds crappy. And around some of the connections if you hold your hand close you can feel little puffs of air.

    Will try all suggestions and let yall know, thanks guys
    Last edited by 05z71; 12-31-2008 at 04:12 PM.

    Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packing here allright............

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    Headers tick without leaking. I'm with Allen, even factory joints have soot like this without leaks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    It's probably the headers ticking...Pacesetter's are known for doing that...

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