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Thread: power wire for amp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    san antonio TX

    power wire for amp

    I got everything i need to complete my system and know im going to install it. i was looking for a spot to run the power wire and i couldnt find a grommet on the firewall to run the wire and i dont want to drill through the firewall. can anyone help me on where to route the wire.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    newburgh, NY
    I ran my 2/0 cable through the factory grommet were the wiring harness went through the the fire wall. The grommet i used is just to the right of the brake booster/master cylinder. I just made a small slice in the top of the part of the grommet that protrudes out of the fire wall and ran my wire through there. This is were i ran mine iphone photo so its not the best.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Austin Tx.
    Right next to the Ebrake is a place you can run wires outside of. From there you can go inside of the fenderwell to where the battery is located. Thats where ive run all my power wires
    1951 3100
    1984 C10

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Magnet Cove, Arkansas
    there should be a rubber gromet right where the steering colum comes out of the firewall that will push back enough for u to run it on the bottom side of it. thats what i used anyways and it hasnt caused any problems yet.
    I just recently had a guy come to me with a 1987 Buick Grand National that Had 1,200 miles on the build and 62k miles on the car. All forged bottom end, Street elim alum heads that had abt 3500 dollars worth of work in them. 3" down pipe, precison turbo 25-30 lbs of boost 6:1 wheel. F.A.S.T Computer system to run it and much much more. By the way the car is CLEAN as hell. I dont think the guy knew what he had. BTW I had to trade my 03 regency for the car. Did I come out on top or bottom?

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