Last Sunday I attempted to install and test fit the TOG headers that were meant for a HD 6.0L 2500 setup.
I knew they wouldn't fit and I knew cutting and some massaging would be required. I was expecting that and that's why I had my welder, saws and misc. tubing ready. After messing around with them for a few hours and taking measurements, I decided that it's not going to be worth it. Not that TOG is a bad header, it's awesome, the quality is top notch and I can't find any defects or mistakes on the headers. The gains would have been worth it, just not destroying a good set of headers.
It's just I would have to mutilate and cut way too much in order for them to fit.
My engine sits lower than what the headers were meant for, the a-arms are in the way, the steering linkage, and if I would have cut the tubing right behind the head flange, to shorten the headers so they don't stick out too much, I'd still have to have some of the tubes straightened out and moved inward to clear the frame.
I have a new plan and I'm skipping the headers all together.
Sorry for the disappointment, but it would just be easier to build your own headers instead of piecing these tog headers together, imo.