damm and i aint even got my truck for 1 last burnout lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=JjniJfPMMF0 :bs:
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damm and i aint even got my truck for 1 last burnout lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=JjniJfPMMF0 :bs:
i couldnt get past two minutes of this crap!(i did finally watch the rest) my soul IS SAVED! anybody else who desires a relationship with God(Jesus christ) can have it and will also be saved-and deffinently not ''abandoned''. i know there are some of you that will agree, some that will laugh and flame,(im ready!) i did not refer to the forum rules before i made this reply, i guess if its to ''religious'' or ''churchy'' lol! it will be taken off. that being said maybe i wont go to work tomarrow. jk. anyway what doese the space shuttle have to do with anything?:burnout:
if he read the bible he would know that no man shall know the date and time.....
I love how nobody ever mentions all the incest murder and corruption in the bible :lol: ive read it front to back and have started again, just for sake of argument, i dont impose my beliefs on anyone but when you die thats it, you die :lol:
If i remember right the world was supposed to end 10 different times already... mid 80's , Y2K...2000, 6/6/2006, come on.
"We're all gonna die" -Billy from Predator
If it's true, I hope to see all of you on the other side. If not, I'm sure I'll just see you on the forum Sunday night :lol:
lmfao...this guy predicted in 94' the same crap and what happened? fail
He massed 14 million in donations in 2009 sounds like he has a lot of win in him plus he employs like 2000 people through his radio station. He is freaking rediculous and a false prophet by my judgement but i figure he is "winning!" about as much as charlie sheen :lol:
The Bible was written to teach moral lessons, not to be taken literally. The sooner everyone (including Christians and everyone else) realizes that, the better off we will be. It doesn't hurt anyone to read it, but G and I are on the same page on this one. Read it cover to cover and found so many contradictions that its not even funny.
Since the dawn of time, religion has been one of the largest contributing factors to almost any war.
IMO the bible is more boring than a golden girls episode.
I DO think that eventually the world is gonna be over.. I DO NOT think it has anything to do with jebus or his croneys though. Its basic science and overpopulation.
isnt it May 21st already in some areas
Population won't cause the world to END. There's going to be a point at which food vs population hits a plateau, where no more food can be grown to sustain the amount of people able to live on it. It's going to cause a lot of people to DIE... but people will survive it.
They said it will happen at 6pm.. but they didn't say what timezone, lol.. and notice this is only in America?
now there is a ZOMBIE alert lmao
The dude is a religious zealot trying to bring attention to himself and his beliefs. He needs to be thrown in prison for causing widespread panic like a person that hollars fire in a crowded movie theater.
Atleast business is booming, lol.. "Confirmed Atheists" that run pet shops are charging people $135 to hold pets after they're raptured.. So if you guys want to, I'll charge you a good $45, and keys, and I'll drive your truck for you when you're gone! :P
or yelling bomb on a plane..your right on that and this is world wide the dude is just getting $$$$$$
I've yelled bomb on a plane, didn't have much of an effect. Then when my friend had her attention out the window I cut the power and faked a radio call declaring an engine failure and a forced landing. That was funnier. As far as this end of the world stuff. Not gonna happen. I'm not getting into my religious beliefs, or lack there of.
Main thing is if you believe in god or not, if the end of the world is coming athiest or christian, muslim or budism, honestly shouldnt matter i mean really think about, if your beliefs are solid it shouldnt matter :lol: btw its saturday im gonna go spray the hell outta my truck down main street :LOL: oh where can i get confirmered as an athiest/agnostic.
Come on Frenchy, how did you cut the power to an airplane and fake a radio call? Sounds a bit over the top, but if it's legit then Im all ears. Not trying to be a jerk, just wondering what it was that you did.
Btw, where is that "Transmission God" when we need him?
any zombies yet? lol
Frenchy was probably flying his own plane (piper or sesna)
im looking forward to the zombies
Yessir. Cessna 172. I'm working on my commercial license
Gotcha. Now that makes sense :lol:
That's Scary...yeah right !
You Americans can't predict horse ! Not your own Economy, not the last fashion trend, not even Lady Gaga turning a...warever she's turning ..so believing you predicted the end of the world....c'mon...all your weather man sucks 96.9999999999% of the time.
You can't predict 1/4 miles times, and you live this everyday !
My weather rock works 100% of the time, never wrong. If check the weather rock and it's wet, it's raining. If it's white then it's snowing. If it just look like a rock then no precipitation. My weather tree tells me if there is going to be high winds when I go outside. If it's swaying to the north then I know its a warm southerly breeze. If it's swaying to the south it's a cool northerly breeze. If it's swaying to the east or west usually means a storm is coming before long. :)
what about the cricket in the match box?
THat is a token of how much you suck! Lmfao
We sold those rigths to the mexicans, so the wAr now is on your door.
We are trading with europeAn countries. They pay more.
well im still here..... what about yall lol
we're still here cus we bound for hell :lol:
I got Jesus' autograph.
I sat on a boat all day yesterday waiting for the great doomsday tsunami. All I got instead was faced drunk and a little lighter in my wallet. Guess I still gotta go to work on Monday