but this is tranny survival 101 per ol' free-AZZZZ -
this trans is designed as a drive and overdrive tranny and GM did us all a HUGE DISSERVICE when they marked this tranny with D - 3 - 2 - 1...
3 is driect drive (which means DRIVE to the lay person) and it should be thought of as drive and the trans is at is BEST when the gear selector is in DIRECT DRIVE, it routes the fluid in the vavle body to maximize the clutch application and makes the trans the most efficient and stable that it can be......
D is over drive (which means NOT A RACING GEAR to the lay person) and it should be thought of as ,exactly that, OVER DRIVE not RACING GEAR....the valve body fluid flow in D is that of over drive to make the trans operate in a smoother and softer manner which creates slip in the clutch packs (in our trucks with the HIGH HEAT and WEIGHT) and thus causes UNDO or PREMATURE WEAR....it also creates the slip/bank shift sequence that is so HARMFUL to these trannys.....
it is a combined 1-2 punch combo on these trans that is causing them to die early....i killed 3 trannys becuase of operater error and most all these that i've seen die could have been avoided to a large degree......
the killers:
HEAT - get alvin's fuggin cooler on now if you do not already have it or a reasonable facsimile
WEIGHT - CAN'T DO **** ABOUT IT it is what it is........DEAL WITH IT and CHANGE THE AREAS YOU CAN....
Gear Selection - keep the trans in direct drive EVERY TIME YOU HAMMER IT PERIOD......EVERY TIME, not just at the track or when i want to race or what not......EVERY TIME YOU HAMMER THIS TRANS IT SHOULD BE IN DIRECT DRIVE (drive for the lay person) and that gear selection on our gear selector is 3......GOT IT 3
IN SUMMARY: Keep the fluid as COOL as possible, keep the trans in direct drive unless you are on a free way cruise or be DSICIPLINED enough to put it in driect drive (3 on the selector) before you beat on it