Was looking into some tranny build parts when I stumbled upon this http://www.transmissioncenter.net/_DSC2612.JPG It seems like a pretty cool idea that should work well.
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Was looking into some tranny build parts when I stumbled upon this http://www.transmissioncenter.net/_DSC2612.JPG It seems like a pretty cool idea that should work well.
Does water just flow through it?
Yeah, I guess it just sits a bit lower than stock and air flows through the tubes in the bottom. They say it will drop temps from 20-50 degrees. Wonder if you could replace an auxiliary tranny cooler with this :confused:
Are fins not good enough any more? :lol:
of course not! We must over engineer!:haw:
looks like mud and other road gunk would end up clogging it up... and god forbid if you hit then ran over some small animal....
This has been on my list for a while... had one on my camaro LOVED IT. Makes a pretty big difference on the temps, maybe not 20-50*...atleast 15-20 though. Even if it does get mud/dirt in it, just make sure you hose it out every once in a while. I know they make steel and aluminum...i feel aluminum is less likely to rust.
will the tubes still cool properly if im racing in reverse? :confused:
Had one on my Silvy. For the price, I think they're worth it. Never checked to see if it lowered temps though.
Why would you remove an auxiliary cooler just because you put a deeper pan on...? The cooler the better...
Cant you run to cool though? I'm no expert :doofus: but I would think you need at least some heat
In extremely cold temperatures and with too much cooling agents (pan, aux. coolers, etc), you can run too cool to where the fluid begins to get too thick. If you got to that point, you could install a thermal bypass or buy a cooler that already has one. But I would never remove a transmission cooling source. It's more important to have it in the summer.
Yeah I have one on my 65e and for the price its good. But i doubt it does that much.
So what's wrong with a finned aluminum pan? I mean the fact that the whole pan is aluminum, and dissipates heat so well is probably worth as much as those tubes. Then, you have fins on the bottom furthure improving the colling abilities. Finally, they normally hold around 2-3 quarts more of fluid which also cools better.