i want to see it and the mods!
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i want to see it and the mods!
pm Quik
hahah yea pm quik, i know gators 4.8 ran pretty damn good.
4.8s are weak sauce.....Jk George
i got a 4.8 with the magnacharger 8lbs of boost right know,stock bottom end,custome cut cam by futural motor sports,and custom tune,rods,springs and rollers,75 shot right know,my fastest time was 13.3 at 115mph i spun the 1/8th but im going bach to the trak on the 20th with the knew 4link so i will get some video and a time slip for ya i should be hitting mid 12s with ease if nothing blows or breaks ha ha ha
here is an old video before the cam and the spec clutch
quiks 4.8 is around or over 700hp i think he has around 18psi of boost
last time i dynod mine it was 498 i think with out the bottle...but that was about 2 years ago
4.8s are garbage, save your money and go big. least thats what i read on the net
haha yea right quik
ya, only took me 2 weeks to scatter my 4.8 with 10 psi.....lol
not exactly a stock 4.8 tho quik......
Yeah and any track times posted yet with that 700 hp 4.8L? Everyone knows it's the dyno queen already...
dont you have some arp hardware in there too?
I think the OP wants something that will beat the diesel trucks around him and I'm thinkin a cam'd 4.8 with full bolt ons and a 100 shot might only put down 400 hp but will post better times at the track than the baddest 4.8 around:twocents:
thats funny ...my wife just saw me looking at knew blocks at asked what i needed that for and i replied its only a matter of time before it goes :blahblah:
so yea im just waiting to see how long it holds out
so far its got 22,000 miles on it and its a 2004 but with all the mods i think its got 12000 on it so yea im waiting for it to go also
so far so good though!!!
4.8 is a good motor. With full bolt ons cam and some head work that truck will be killing some diesels
Wanna go fast at the track or on the street (not the Autobahn) then please do get rid of the 4.8 in favor of a 6.0 or bigger.
tranny, tune, gears, tune, stall, tune, cam, tune, nitrous, tune
Keep in mind he is also in a ext cab 4x4 isnt he?
The tune, cam, stall, built tranny is all needed.... he should seriously look into a Supercharger or n2o to get that big pig off the line hard. The tq is what he is probably missing right now.
Honestly if he does all he can to a 4.8 with no power adder in a truck of that size and weight he will be walking into a gun fight with a ice pick when it comes to a modded turbo desiel.
4.8's blow. not joking, just go 6.0
baddest 4.8 is on pt.net,his name is STOICHIOMETRIC,,best e.t was 12.1
My 4.8 ecsb 4850 lbs ran a 13.4 @ 107. cammed, headers, tune, pulleys, and a good ole 125 shot. would have been 12's with a stall.
she died though
it just runs a 14.7, check out the fastest truck list.