Hey yall currently dont have a truck yet but am browsing around for a starter truck sumthin pretty cheap an reliable jus checking in love the website and all the bada** gm trucks ttyl.
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Hey yall currently dont have a truck yet but am browsing around for a starter truck sumthin pretty cheap an reliable jus checking in love the website and all the bada** gm trucks ttyl.
welcome to the site
Welcome newest guy!!!
hey welcome to the site
Ricky...thats my nephew i was telling you about...He wants to use my truck at prom this year.Should I let him......or NOT!lets take a vote
I say make him pull his date around in a RadioFlyer wagon...
What him take your truck HECK NO :argg:
tyler thats a good idea, or we can get your mom tie a chain around her and dangle a donut in front of her face with a stick and string to make her pull it
Looks like a way to get allot of free work I know my truck would be spotless inside and out. Give him a toothbrush and see how bad he wants it
Ricky, my mom isn't a damn Pack Mule like your mom is.
Actually, my mom said SHE was the one who tied you up, stuck an fist dildo in your mouth, and whipped you until you screamed like a stuck pig.
But keep the funny posts coming Ricky. You're doing better and better everyday.
Ok....Sorry Dale's nephew... Well, maybe you could persuade Dale by licking his toes or by drinking his dirty bath water??????
His name is Tyler as well
Riceeater, has a point! he can do All our trucks THEN we can vote if he can take the truck to Prom!!!!!!!!!! :LOL::LOL:
Thats pretty nice of you Dale to even think of letting him use your truck for Prom.
You better go and Bump up your insurance for pedestrians and non insured motorists!!!!!!!!!! oh and make him pay for it!!!!!!!!
haha yea clean everyones trucks
an dale maybe you should be the parent chaperon? :toetap: make sure there is nothing fishy going on lol
ha ha ha.... sure glad yall r having a good time, tell ya what uncle dale ill jus rent a damn limo to cart my ass around. see if i take any more of ur videos ya yall the ones from denton ya that was me LOL so ya. DAMN alright ill wash tha freaking truck happy now ill do you one better ill even fill the gas tank up an change the oil k.:argg::bash:
Welcome! Now get yourself a truck!
Yeah--what are you driving now? I feel pity for those out there who don't drive a truck. You are missing out!
well i do drive my moms o5 tahoe from time to time but ya its kinda embarassing but i drive a 93 mazda 626 ill post pics as soon as i clean it it dosent quite look like a grandma car anymore ive moded it a little bit to change up the look a bit