New - Austin, TX
Hello everyone,
Stopping in to say hi.
Now I need to find where to post my questions about the fun I am having changing those darn knock sensors. Yeah, I'm one of those guys who cleaned his engine...only to find out the consequences...the ol' water in the valley tray corrod'n up the sensors. :(
welcome to the site! what part of austin are you from
Thanks. I work and live in North Austin.
hi welcome to the site, im in round rock
welcome!!! Yet another northie....tell me did you see a sticker for this website?
I've seen a truck or two in the Austin area w/ an "LS1Truck.com" sticker. However, I originally found out about the site from Allen, after I got my tune. That was a while back, but I just never signed up.
Btw...I noticed you listed a throttle body by-pass...has anyone really proven this does anything? Reason I ask is I am in the middle of replacing my knock sensors and have the intake off, so now would be a good time to do the by-pass.
not really sure. I know it makes sence. but youll have to dig arround here for that answer. or start a thread. i bet if it does its probably like 1-5 hp gain. nuthin serious. but every little bit helps. efans do as well. search free upgrades here and you should find more info.
i think us austin guys should all meet up and go for a cruise or start meetin up. Theres a few round rock guys we could meet up with as well and you know shoot the ****
I have a meet thread here. check it out.
saturday nights there is a car show 620 and the 35. in the old albertsons parking lot next to McDonalds. there are very few trucks there PLZ bring some :LOL:
Welcome--sounds like you are having fun with the knock sensors! Eh, they are not that bad. Pretty easy to swap out--it lets you get a little more familiar with your motor! As for the TB bypass--you can do it if you want, but there really isn't a difference. Just use the hose that goes from the radiator to the pass side of the TB and route it to the top of the motor on driver's side. Pretty easy. There are quite a few LS1truck guys down there in the Austin area...ya'll should do a GTG...
Hello and Welcome to the site!
The 18th of Jan there is will be GTG @ SAR @6:30pm if you are interested.
Thanks for the greetings and invites.
I was planning on going to SAR for Midnight Madness the 19th, but looks like the new GM intake gasket has a long lead time. I already bought a brand new set from Felpro, but I saw some TSBs about leaky intake manifolds and heard the new and improved GM gasket (part#89060413) is the way to go.
Any thoughts?
Go witht the GM gasket. And only go with GM parts when it comes to anything on the motor!
I have not heard anything about our GenIII motors having a leaky intake manifold. Starting in 1997 and continuing into a bit in 1998, the 5.7L Vortec 350 motor had very bad intake leak problems. The leaky intake was fixed when the Gen III motors came out.
Originally Posted by
anything fast?
oh yea, there are a few new z06 vettes with the ls7, one has 2 bottles of nos.
a few old school cars that make the ground shake
Cedar Park here...... Yea we all should meet up this Saturday if possible make a showing for the truck crowd.....:bow: