:hyper2:im new to the ls1 trucks, hopefully get a few races going:tacos:, just looking for some fun ppl to compete with at the track.:hyper2:
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:hyper2:im new to the ls1 trucks, hopefully get a few races going:tacos:, just looking for some fun ppl to compete with at the track.:hyper2:
welcome bro,what are your track times?
welcome. we got plenty of SA guys on here
no track time yet, but hopefully low 13s... will find out soon.
Ya there are plenty of lightly modded 4.8/5.3's to give you a good run against your supercharged, heatbox L.
:chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy:: chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy::c hevy::chevy::chevy:
Wat that just a gathering or meet, cause I know it wasn't a Shootout LOL, more like a slaughter.
They brought plastic knifes and forks and we brought ar-15s.
please tell me you didn't waste money to have lightning painted on you truck and welcome