long tubes
I just put a set of the cheaper ones on. I think there all the same just sold from different vendors. You will have to re-use your old manifold gaskets or get a set of aftermarket ones, the set they send with the headers are junk!!!! The quality is pretty impressive for the money. The collectors are only 2 1/2", but they seem to get the job done. I don't like the "doughnut" gaskets for the collector connection, but other than that there fine. I'm waiting to see how well they hold up in the winter.
in the footnotes for the more expensive ones it says it won't fit 4x4
They fit my 04' 4x4, but its tight!!!!!!!
I ended up getting the LPP headers for $450 shipped.
Where did you get the LPPs for 450?
Oh nice. Im going to be purchasing headers soon and Ive really liked the look and quality of the LPPs, the only thing Im worried about is them rusting because I live in Connecticut and we get snow, now I dont really drive in the snow since my truck is 2wd but I do drive it occasionally in the winter. I know alot of people say stainless wont rust but I have a stainless exhaust on another truck of mine thats been on for a little over a year and its starting to rust not like flakey rust but just brown ugly surface rust. Now Im not totally sure if it matters on the grade of stainless or anything, maybe someone could chime in on that?
OK i have a question i put on a set of pacesetter 3inch long tubes and ran true dual 3in exhaust to a spintech dual in dual out 3in do i need to put an x pipe in there to get more back pressure cause i didnt really notice any difference when i put them on ??
I thought x-pipes scavange exhaust better, reducing back pressure. Maybe a good old fashioned h-pipe will do it.