working with EFI live is it able to read '07 BCM?
One problem solved, the next one pops up..... that must me the real life..
As you all know I am converting a '97 Tahoe to the latest GEN 5.3 (AFM and Flex fuel)
Today I built my bench harness to connect DLC connector, ECU (E38), TCM and the BCM to EFI live.
I could connect to ECU and TCM, could also read and store the .tun files (ECU is a 2007 Avalanche 2wd, LMG ). But the BCM is invisible. I think EFI live may not be able to read the BCM? Any ideas?
Also I wanted to go deeper into the E38's programming, for my conversion I need the speed sensor output enabled and programmed for the correct pulses /mile to use them for my '97 antilock system. But looking to the speedo section in EFI live only showd me the "normal" stuff as final drive, tires, ...
Thanks for your help