New from TN
Whats up I'm Dustin from Nashville,TN. I have an 03 Silverado. I was going to sell her to buy a turbo car, but changed my mind going to start modding the Silverado. Any help to help me start would be great.. A good deal on an ls1. point me in the right direction. Here is a pic...
nice looking truck...welcome aboard.
nice truck! :drool:
Good decision keeping the truck IMO. Get an LQ4 6.0L engine and then put a front mount turbo kit on it such as the one available from Trick Turbo (site sponsor). That thing will fly!
welcome to the site! nice lookin truck you got there
hi welcome to the site. nice truck too:burnrubb:
Welcome:) beautiful looking truck
Thanks hope to make this truck faster. I want to get a CAI, Mass airflow sensor, and throttle body spacer. anybody have anything let me know.