problem 1- FIXED!
this is gonna sound stupid as hell but the only problem was that i wasnt running premium.... i was running 87 octane and it was trying to compensate... i got in my truck this morning to go to work and i didnt notice it at first but leaving mcdonalds, i just happened to look down and my mil light was off. so i reset my fuel economy and i'm gettin around 16 now
ok its been a while. but that last update was wrong. it fixed for a little while but i think it was just because it was cold. it still reads rich. and the grinding noise and vibration was from what i think to be the torque converter. i have read on another forum that big tires+stock gears=the torque converter trying to lock and unlock itself rapidly in overdrive which would explain why the vibration and noise went away after my transmission got fixed. new oxygen sensors are a must though. and as for the driveshaft.. it seems like i need to quit burnin out. thanks guys. all my problems are pretty much solved.
p.s. i have a set of 325/65R18 Pro-Comp X-Terrains on the way. should be here next week so i will be posting pictures sometime. also, i'm gettin a bigger block or a add-a-leaf in the back and some torsion keys to clear 35's.