Thanks for the info... I'll take a look at it. I will also get a hose for the evap. I'm going to start my swap next week.
Thanks again
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Thanks for the info... I'll take a look at it. I will also get a hose for the evap. I'm going to start my swap next week.
Thanks again
This site is very useful. I finally got my swap done and running. Alot of people say you need the extender or the ls1 adapter plate. I didnt need too use it, my V6 torque converter bolted up just fine on the 5.3 flex plate.
The plugs on the v6 and v8 02 sensors are diffrent tough. I just cut and soilder the right plugs on the 02 sensor. The swap is really easy i could have been done in 2 days, but the tranny adapter that i didnt need had me messed up pretty bad..
The TC bolting up isn't the problem, its whether the snout fits in the crank properly or not. Did you check that out while you were installing?
umm... not when i checked. i had a GM parts counter look it up. all 4 O2 sensors and even the physical Y-pipe are all the same from v6 to 4.8/5.3 (6.0 runs duals instead of a y but still uses same oxygen sensors)
maybe this ??
Just wondering, what happens if for some reason it isnt in far enough? I used the truck too tow my race car and it did fine the other day, exept for those revs.
My truck is a 2003 and i bought a 2003 swap.
I hope this is the last question before I start my swap..... what did you guys do with the old V6 smog stuff? I'm talking about the air pump and stuff mounted on the passenger side wheel well & the pipes coming off both left / right exhaust manifold. The new engine is a 2002 and doesn't have any of this stuff. See attached pictures.
somebody else'll have to chime in on this one. mine's a 99, so all it had was EGR - same as the 01 engine i used
hmm i'd just rip all that crap out. most likely pigtails won't be on v8 harness
Out it will go!!!
I'm going to start pulling the engine next thur. Can't wait to get this project finished!!!