Not to sound like a dick. But do you know what to actually look for in a pulled plug? A plug tells entire story of a motor
I would not be beating on it till its fixed
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Not to sound like a dick. But do you know what to actually look for in a pulled plug? A plug tells entire story of a motor
I would not be beating on it till its fixed
Check for speckling, heat range, and timing line.
ok ...ouch^^
its been going on for about 3 weeks or so now ive gone wot plenty of times lol i guess im you have seen trucks pop through the intake with that issue?..ok so im going to take yalls word on this and take it apart..if it aint broke thats gonna suck hate removing/install of the crank pulley..i will tear it down tomorrow and post up thank u guys
plug pictures first would be my first move
if you are injesting coolant it will do as your saying, if youre timing chain came loosse you would throw a code. Going WOT with any issue is flat out stupid as it can cause you a permanently hurt motor.
I would get a damm scanner on that truck and log it before id do anything