I love the paint on your truck. def a sweet looking ride man. hope for tranny job goes smoothly. I am glad I got the beast sunshell in my rebuilt 60E now.
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Tore it apart this morning. Teeth on the shell are stripped off. The sun gear has a little wear from rubbing past the stripped off teeth.
I have another 2001 4L60e I may pull the sun gear out of, so I won't have so much dead time.
I found another problem, my transfer case has a hole rubbed in the top. I guess the chain has gotten so much slack it is rubbing the case. Couldn't find any info about this happening on a NVG149 with a quick google search. Dependent on pricing of used units Monday I may be doing a rebuild on the transfer case as well.
Oh...and my front diff has a rough spot I can feel when turning the input shaft by hand
I just did a tranfercase with pump rub just as you describe. We got a new chain for $40 and just jb welded the hole and its been doing great. Easy install.
Hows the job going? My tranny broke last night and best i can tell it is the exact same problem with my Silverado 4X4.
Where did you source the chain?
I was thinking the pump rub was on the transmission side, this is above the front output.
Now that I have pulled my sunshell out, I have a question, this trans has the newer sunshell without the slots for the tang washer. The 03+ bearing type. I guess this is because it is a 4L60eHD/4L65e. Does the beast sunshell interchange with this one?
I pulled the sun gear out of the other one, but no dice. The gear is fine, but the bushing inside it has a pit in it.
So looks like I will have to wait a few days for parts. I am gonna go out and install what I can of the HD2 and have it ready.
I got my chain from a local shop that rebuilds them.
I see according to FLT you can use the Beast with both type of reaction shafts. They also suggest a wide bushing in the sun gear. I wonder if I can get a sun gear with the wide bushing already installed since I am ordering a new one.
Got the valve body assembled with the HD2 parts. Pump is ready to go in and the servo assembly is ready to go.
You have a Pm
Got the trans all back together, waiting to go in.
Pulled the transfer case apart and found the oil pickup tube had come loose and got thrown around the case by the chain. It wedged into the case above the front output so hard it knocked a hole in it right there. The oil pump doesn't feel right to me either. That may be what lead to the tube coming off. Nice. Have to find another case.
Gonna try to investigate the front diff today see what I can find.
This is getting expensive fast. lol