So where exactly is green cove springs?
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So where exactly is green cove springs?
Well, Date, anyone planning on going or are we to just trash this meet?
Well since I still havnt heard from five people wanting to do it I chalked it up as no one was down. I was planning for the first weekend in April.
I have three confirmed trucks for the weekend of the 3rd. Let's get some more trucks for this so we can make a showing.
did this ever go through or what? i've been working the past 2 weeks straight 7 days a week and jus now got the weekend off.
No, we didnt have enough trucks who would give a definite answer. Still want to do it though.
well im pretty new to the site, but im down to do this if we could ever get a few trucks that are def gonna go.
Still can be done I just need to have five trucks at least and a date.