CCSB stands for Crew Cab Short Bed
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CCSB stands for Crew Cab Short Bed
After swapping the motor mounts I later swapped in a new trans mount along with the crossmember. I swapped intake manifolds. Broken one for the good. I swapped the ps pulley and alt bracket. I used the same ps pump. Its nice that you can leave it hanging while you take the bracket out. I used the alt. from the other truck and swapped out the water pumps. Its awesome that the trucks use the o-ringed water pump seals instead of the gaskets.
I took the radiator support off the Sado and transferred it to the Sierra. I left everything attached and just removed two bolts for the support. I disconnected all the cooler lines and reconnected them on the Sierra. Looking really good at this point.
Next snag was the fan shroud. Since the Sado sat higher the fan shroud needed adjustment. The engine stays in the same place relative to the frame on both trucks. But the radiator support sits higher on the Sado. It is an identical support but since it is higher the fan shroud is different. So I had to cut clearance on the shroud. I will eventually need a Sierra fan shroud but this will get me by until then.
It was the same story when I put the fenders on. The fender well liners are longer for the Sado so when they went on the Sierra they needed to be trimmed. There is a molding line that made a good place to start cutting. After that it only needed clearance around the front of the a-arm.
After that was taken care of. I spent the entire weekend lining up both fenders and the hood. There was a total of about 25 attach fenders, take off, adjust bracket or add shim, then re-attach fender sequences. Hood didn't have as much adjustment but fit nicely.
The bumper went on fairly easy but of course I ran into another problem. The top plastic piece was larger to compensate for the height of the Sado. So of course it didnt fit on the shorter Sierra. I took of the plastic piece and it fit nicely. I wonder if there is a low profile piece that fits on the Sado bumper? I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to get around this problem yet. At least it is chrome underneath.
So finally I'm caught up to today on the forums. Today I checked and rechecked all fluids. Spark plugs were replaced and I only destroyed two coil wires while trying to get them off. Of course they didn't use anti-seize on the plugs when they changed them. No stripped threads though! New oil and filter, new air filter, and an optima battery. I bought a fuel filter and couldn't find it on the truck. After searching the forums I realized why I need to take it back. I ain't droppn the tank to replace the filter.
After I hooked up the battery I turned the key on and off to prime the fuel system. I removed the top hose on the radiator and filled from there. Hopefully no air is trapped in the system. I said a prayer and turned the key. It started first time! Hell yea and it sounded good too. I looked at the exhaust and it is a flowmaster cat back with true duals. I let it run for a couple seconds then turned it off. Checked all the fluids and topped off as necessary. Started it again and let it warm up. No overheating yet! I had to keep checking the trans fluid. I eventually caught up with the trans oil pump and got it topped off. Closer each day!
wow you really are making progress on this transformation! congrats and keep up the good work!
It's comin along good, I didn't even know there was that much difference in the Chev and GM dont waste time!!!
congrats on the combination of the trucks!!!
hope all keeps goin your way!