Originally Posted by
86 Silverado LS1
We scanned it. It had 3 codes.
1-PO 118 coolant temp circuit high
2-PO 452 evaporator pressure sensor signal low or short
3-P 1637 generator L terminator circuit
Can any of these tie to the transmission trouble? Feel free to chime in if you have any experience with these.
I forgot to add this. The codes are coming back immediately when you clear them. With the engine off, switch on, clear them and they come right back. It has only ran for a few minutes so could the temp problem be no coolant on the sensor? Or could having the steam tube blocked off cause a problem here?
what do you mean "steam tube blocked off"? You need the steam crossover tube and return hose IMO. You can verify that you got the air out of the head by removing the steam port block offs until pure coolant runs out the holes with no air. It still sounds like a bad sensor, short or broken wire.
I put a cap on the steam port to crank it. I will tap the water pump this week. Could this have anything to do with the code? Right now it seems to be running rich.
Rich is limp mode. Until the PCM understands what engine temp is current, you get a rich fuel feed to keep from burning the engine up and the extra fuel helps to cool the engine. When it gets really high readings it will shut the ignition off to 1/2 the cylinders and use the fuel to cool the engine.
Originally Posted by
86 Silverado LS1
Thanks for the information. Definitely a nice looking truck.
daaaamn, i think I just jizzed in my pants.. haha!
the P0118 code would mean a faulty circuit loop (electrical issue). I'd check continuity b/t the PCM connector & the sensor connector for the temp return wire (grey). Something's not right. That code gives me the impression there's a "floating/faulty ground".
The EVAP pressure DTC... dunno why that DTC wasn't disabled (No SES & 3-No Error Reported). It's disabled for me.
P1637... The last time I saw that, I had a bum alternator. I will say that if you purchased a replacement GenIII alternator from a parts store that's NOT an OEM distributor, you're wasting time. The one on my old '02 Yukon failed. I went through THREE alternators from THREE different parts stores, and none of them worked. I went to the dealership, and they mentioned that something internal (diode) isn't designed correctly in aftermarket alternators. The tech told me to run to their supplier (discounted parts placed - wholesale), and pick up a new one. Hadn't had an issue since. I even bought a 135amp alt from them to upgrade the 105 I had in my pickup. Just a thought. The other parts stores swore that I was the dumb one b/c their test bench said their alternators were perfect.
Again... your truck is SWEETNESS! I just noticed that you've got it for sale. WTF?!?!?!?!!! PM me, and let's chat. I just got my truck's exhaust redone with 24" Mags and tailpipes @ 45 degrees out rear-sides. SO MUCH QUIETER!
update. I have been working on factory wiring and lights stuff for the last few days. Remember we took it all apart, down to just the cab when we painted it. no doors, no glass...nothing. As far as the LS1 swap there are only a few problems. I have not taken it to the trans shop yet but it looks like I will have to. Still only have first and second. The trans guy showed me how to get it in third. He says third is there and could be a wire issue. The only other problems are running rich and the temp sensor problem. PO118. I replaced it with a GM unit. That makes two of those. No difference. I will start tracing wires now. The grounds seem fine. I don't know if this stuff is tied together or not. Also, the running rich thing doesn't seem to be consistent. The power is definitely not consistent. I have been playing in the driveway (its long) and sometimes it feels lazy then sometimes it lights the tires up. The times when its right its great. Love the power. Just gotta work some bugs out. This should be a fun truck.
The wires to the temp sensor tested fine and the sensor tested at 1.40 ohms. Any ideas on the running rich problem? As far as the ground...Allen says there is 2 on the harness and they are both good. It is also grounded motor to frame and body to frame. Allen says it isnt a ground problem
Do you have the specs. for the temp. sensor? I ask because I am trying to figure out whether mine is bad or not.
that is prolly the most beautiful truck ive ever laided my eyes on hell if i could id give you everything i got for it lol how much was it again i think i skipped over the price.
Updated pics of the Silverado
Looks good. You're probably not going to like the performance loss of having the air cleaner sucking in hot air from the radiator thru-flo. Build some kind of isolation box around it and pull air into it from outside somewhere. I moved mine under the radiator core support and picked up .1 in the eighth just because of the cooler air charge. Electric fans played hell on it, causing surging when the fans were running.
Several of you have asked about price and if the truck is finished. All that is left is the a/c lines, a/c wiring and the gauges. See my other post about those clowns at Covans Classics for info on that. As far as the price... I would like to come somewhat close to getting most of my money back, an equal trade or a combination of both. I would love to swap for a nice hotrod with a back seat. Preferably LS powered. When I started this project I didn't have a need for a back seat. Now we have 2 children's car seats. I also didn't start out to build a truck this nice but it kind of snowballed. Those are the main reasons for selling the truck. So as far as what I spent...north of 25K and 2 years.
Now I know you seldom get all your money back out of these custom rides, so don't even bother with all the pm's explaining to me how this works. I have been building custom rides for years and am aware of how it works. Bottom line is this. This is a very slick truck that is built right and thats not cheap to do. There were no shortcuts taken on the restoration or the conversion. The paint work is very slick. This truck can be bought for much cheaper than you could build one of this quality for. If someone has a reasonable offer or a ride you want to swap then lets talk. If not I will ride in it. Thanks for the interest, Ryan
Finally Finished!
Well guys the 86 is finally finished and I am very pleased. The LS1 is very impressive. Plenty of power and you don't have to work on it like a hot rod. It gets about 17 mpg. I have showed it a few times and won my class at Super Chevy, a best engineered and several others. We got to make a few laps around Atlanta Motor Speedway after the show. That's the first time I have had it on a track. The more I get to play with this LS1, the more I like it.
here's the trader ad if anybody is interested.
Cars For Sale: Car Details - AutoTrader.com
Here's a few pics.
That truck literally sends chills down my spine - sooooo awesome. Its great to see a mint condition 73-87 square body. I love seeing old trucks like that taken care of. :burnout:
Originally Posted by
What hood is that?
Goodmark Industries.
I'm still jealous. Finally have mine back on the street. WOO HOO!! Need new tires, and AC lines still aren't fab'd yet. Dying to take to the track, but rain's raining on that parade. LOL
Fabulous work, and good luck with your sale.
Awesome truck! I'm completely inspired by it.
What backspacing do the wheels have? And what are the tire sizes?
Thank you!
WOW...i never realized how nice that truck was!!!
very nice work!:thumb:
What size tires are you running? And do you know the backspace on the wheels? Great looking setup.
Also, has it been dropped any?
Originally Posted by
What size tires are you running? And do you know the backspace on the wheels? Great looking setup.
Also, has it been dropped any?
Thanks.The tires are 275X60X15. It is dropped 3"
just a quick question, what driveshaft do you use in your truck? i have an 83 swb, plan on doing the 5.3, 4l60 swap and was wondering what will need to be done as far as driveshaft goes?
Originally Posted by
just a quick question, what driveshaft do you use in your truck? i have an 83 swb, plan on doing the 5.3, 4l60 swap and was wondering what will need to be done as far as driveshaft goes?
I used the stock driveshaft. I wanted my motor as low and as far back as possible (like a vette). When I was fitting everything I figured out the stock driveshaft would work with a little more crossmember adjustments.
A few more hours of work to save the money to make a driveshaft. Works great!
thats good to know that i can make it work with out have to have the driveshaft lengthened or shortened. thanks for the help.
so what was the deal with the tranny?
What did you use for headers? Im looking into putting a 6.0 in an 86 long bed. Also what tranny did you use?
Originally Posted by
so what was the deal with the tranny?
I requested a tune for a 4L60E and was sent one for a 6 speed. It burned the tranny up the first time I drove it. After getting the right tune and the tranny rebuilt all is good.
Originally Posted by
What did you use for headers? Im looking into putting a 6.0 in an 86 long bed. Also what tranny did you use?
I wanted all stock GM stuff. Like Mr. Goodwrench built it himself so I went with factory Camaro manifolds. They worked out great. The tranny is a 4L60E.
I would like to do some trading for an old hot rod. Something fun but not as slick as the Silverado. A driver. Can trade up or down. The truck now has about 2000 miles on it with very little road rash. If interested just PM me.
Wow! Helluva job !:jumper:
wow, that's a nice truck...