what is a tune?, is it the squarish silver box with pins on the end that says delphi with stickers all over it that nelson's sent me?
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what is a tune?, is it the squarish silver box with pins on the end that says delphi with stickers all over it that nelson's sent me?
hp is great software, there phone suport sucks, wait they dont have a phone number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u have to email them everything
I've been spending a lot of time on the HP Tuners web site trying to learn a little before I decide if I want to spend the cash on it. All I can say is there is a LOT to learn.
A screw driver and a box of jets is starting to look pretty good.
EFILive has just released the BBx (Black Box) stuff for the V2 controller , meaning you can now , scan and tune without a laptop (scanning and tuning both through the controller) . Load a tune file and flash it in like a hand held , nice stuff .
Diesels appear to be able to do up to 5 tune switching .
Pretty sweet to not have to lug a laptop around anymore . :chevy:
i just handed over the keys to mr. Nelson and got it back a full second quicker.
So it looks that a combo Allen/HPTuners is the winning ticket.
I'm still learning the endless option of HPT, on Diesel that is !!!
I have always wanted to buy some kind of tuning software but for the $$ it costs and the small amount of time im actually home and get to drive my truck didnt seem worth it to me. I just drive up to nelson and get him to tune it in person. His shop is only 30 miles away from me.
i leave it to nelson. and on all the side work i do for others people i let nelson tune those as well. ive probably ordered 10 or more tunes from Allen. they have all been spot on.
I have someone local tune mine(calspeed). I had a tune from blackbear, but it wasn't for me. I hated waiting for a tune or for someone to show up again 6months later. I'm happy I went this route, and the guy here knows his shiet. Plus, I can bug the hell outta him if I need too :D I've looked into doing it myself, but damn there's alot to learn, and not everyones vehicle is the same. So it's not like I can just copy n paste a file to it, and wallah!
what about megasquirt? the tuning genuis on a forum a visit demands its the best. i have no idea. He has tuned about of record holders, but says hptuners is too complicated
youtube turbogeek or dieselgeek