and they fit without any issues???
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and they fit without any issues???
Thanksfor the add'l pics I can see the notch, just don't want to do that.
YouTube - 5.3 VORTEC 4L60E Conversion into a 1978 Chevrolet C-10 2wd first start
for those interested i got my truck fired up today here is the youtube link
its a bit corny but anyway enjoy more to come soon!!!
Dayum, good looking install! :thumb: What about video of the rest of the truck? Under hood looks awesome.
Is there oil in that thing? Your lifters clatter very loud, like mine. Warlock, you say that is piston slap? Hmmm... Mine slaps like a pimp hitting his hoe. :lol:
thanks!!!:dancenana: yeah it quieten right down about 2 minutes after the video ended sound great im taking tomorrow off to put on the rest of the exhaust on ! i love working for myself LOL i will take more vids as i go its been fun doing the conversion !!!!