I checked all fuses and they are good.
Thanks for everyone's help
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I checked all fuses and they are good.
Thanks for everyone's help
anybody else know what I can do
You could just tie into the trigger wire with a switched power wire so that its always on with the ignition. When winter comes along disconnect the wire or put a switch under the hood to turn it off. It's rigging but sometimes its your only choice short of paying $80/hr for the dealer to look at it and tell you they don't know what to do but replace the whole harness.
Thanks RedHearbeat
Does anybody know what wire that is and if the compressor would cycle if I do it this way?
Nope, wouldn't cycle. Have you traced all the wires back into the cab? Have you replaced or at least checked the relays that control the a/c behind the glove box insert? Have you replaced the a/c control module on the dash?
There are relays behind the glove box?
I thought the only ones are under the hood.
Is the control module the one with the buttons and knobs for the fan and heat/AC controls? If so I have not replaced it, pretty pricey.
Is there a timed switch(so it will cycle) I could buy and run it directly to the compressor?
Cycle time is determined by low side pressure.