i have a jet mass airflow sensor that came off of a 02 chevy 5.3 and a grenatallie (i cant spell) from a 03 chevy 6.0 if you are interested pm me and we can make a deal :tacos:
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Welcome to the site! That is a great lookin truck! What else do you have besides the SS style front bumper, wheels, 4/6 drop, and painted handles? Is it a V6?
No sir it is not a v6. It is a 4.8.It has a Sir michaels rollpan and shaved tailgate handle. I also have a little system in it. A diamond audio 10 in a ported box polk momo components and directed 600 watt amp. The headunit is a Jensen DVD/CD player
I also have a magnaflow muffler.
Welcome and nice truck!
Welcome! Nice truck. This is the place with the best info without a doubt.
Found this on craigslist in Nashville if anyone is looking for one.
Chevy Silverado 5.3l engine
I want to buy a CAI anybody have one they want rid of or a diablo tuner.
Check Out Nelson Performance for a tune instead. They are sponsors of this sight. Many people have had great experiences with his work. Nice truck and welcome
Nelson tune can you give me a link or what do they run price wise. What if I get mods after I get the tune?
he re-tunes for free. its the best place to get a tune imo
Nelson Performance - Performance without Sacrificing Drivability
and if you cant drive there for the re tune tell him what you did to mod it and he will send you a pcm that is tuned and you send him your old one. just pay shipping.