Do you have a voltage regulator problem? What is the voltage with engine off vs. engine running? You may be doing the boost-a-pump trick and the return line is too small to handle the flow amount increase created by additonal voltage.
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Do you have a voltage regulator problem? What is the voltage with engine off vs. engine running? You may be doing the boost-a-pump trick and the return line is too small to handle the flow amount increase created by additonal voltage.
i put the old filter on and same thing. primed to 60, then went over 100 when i start it.
i do not have a volt meter to see if there is to much voltage. what would cause that to happen though? i have checked all the connections, they all seem to be good.
but that was my first thought when i first installed the new pump, was that i hooked something up wrong and it was getting way too much voltage.
i am done with it today. but will be back tomorrow to try anything else somoene recommends.
seriously, that edelbrock/msd carb combo is looking very tempting right now.
Another issue could be restriction in the return line. If the hole through any of the return line fittings is smaller than the hole coming out of the filter/regulator, you have introduced a new regulator to the fuel supply.
A digital voltmeter can be had at Walmart for about $10.
see, that makes sense to me too, a restriction in the return line. but then when i remember that before i put the new pump on, it idled at 60 psi, makes me wonder how a restriction could occur when all i did was replace the pump and never touched the return line.
i will pick up a voltmeter tonight and see if that has something to do with it.
you could have had a weak pump before. Oh yeah, matter of fact you did have a weak pump before. :whack:
yeah, head is not clear right now, about to blow smoke out of my ears.
i have a buddy that says he will come over next week and look at and probably replace the fuel lines. hopefully that is where the problem is.
thanks for the help red, newbies like me really do appreciate
i will check the voltage tonight when i get off work.
Get a piece of 5/16" hose about 5' long and slip it onto the return side of the filter and put the other end in a gas can. Start the truck and watch your pressure. Oh yeah, plug the return line or elevate the end above the fuel tank so you don't make a big mess on the ground. :laugh:
will do, thanks again
well, tried the voltmeter and it was right at 12.
guess i am going to try the hose into a bucket next, and if that dont work, i am not sure what to do next.
i have a buddy that says he will come over and help me install a regulator with return lines and such...may just go that route.
how do the f-bodies regulate fuel pressure? evidently its not at the fuel rail, so how do they do it?
Start the truck and see what the voltage is at the alternator lug.
The Fbody uses a regulator built into the tank, pretty much the same idea as the Corvette fuel filter but it's in the tank.