I just installed 2 of these and the flow and sound great! When I pulled my old magnaflow converters off the catalyst fell out of them. LOL These converters run about $100.00 each and give you more room to weld them in. Just thought I'd tell you guys about them if you're looking for a fairly small converter.
Are they converters or mufflers? BTW some guys were telling me the other day that DFW is the only place in TX that does emissions testing in Texas. Is this true?
Greater Austin is now required....... :bash: :flipoff: :bash: :flipoff:
Wait, cough cough.... We want clean air. :duh: I see more cars from other states and countries smogging than Texas vehicles.... :doh:
They are converters. No, that's not true. Houston (Harris County) is a stickler for emmisions testing unless you know someone.
Here is BigD we have some horrible gross polluters running the streets. If we could get them to drive the neighborhoods at night maybe we could contain this Nile Virus mosquito threat. The bugs would be dying by the thousands. It's so bad they post up free cell phone numbers so people can report them and get the POS cars off the streets. Between polluters and those driving without insurance or driver's licenses we are deep in a really bad way. Damnest thing happened the other day, two cars, both driven by persons without driver's license or insurance collided and caused a fatality. Sad thing is that the fatality was a child. Get this, they also weren't wearing their seat belts. :nutz: