Originally posted by 86 Silverado LS1@Jan 7 2006, 02:49 PM
Any advice on drive by wire v/s drive by cable? Does my throtle body have to be worked on or will it work ok as is. If you do everything S&P says to do, you could easily spend more on the small stuff than on the motor and trans. Thanks
Drive-by-wire (DBW) would be nice on these hybrid builds. The '02 OEM harness I have has the connector for it, but I'm not using. I decided to go with a cable driven TB. I thought the DBW would be a bit extra being that I'd have to get the accel pedal to work with that. Much easier for me to go with the cable. Stock F-body cable should work just fine (junkyard find). I had to work & bend (slightly) my accel pedal to accept the longer cable. You may have to file out the hole for the plastic firewall connector/gromet (slightly larger piece than OBS piece).