Cam in a dd
What do you guys think about a cam in a dd good or not so good just thinking about putting in a cam but then also reading that some people liked their trucks better with a stock cam after having one so just trying to get some ideas on what y'all think
There is no reason you can't run a aftermarket cam in a daily driver. Just make sure you get a solid tune and not go outrageous on the size of the cam. When you get to a larger cam size your going to need a converter not only to keep the motor in it power band but it also helps the engine not surge as much. This will not be a issue you will encounter as your cam will be on the smaller side to suit your needs.
I love mine personally. vrx3 with a 3200stall. A small cam usually works out pretty well on a dd.
i luv mine is a 05 silverado extcab 5.3 with a comp 220/220, 581/581 on a 112lsa and still doing about 22 mpg i drive 25 miles to work and 25 home
I love mine. 219/230 .609/.604 117+2LSA. Still running the stock stall right now but would definitely benifit from about a 32-3600 stall.
My tsp 220 in my 4.8 runs good and that's 450 miles a week good.
600 miles a week here. 222/226 EPS.
Ok thanks now if I was to do a cam or stall first cause of money reasons what would you guys think should be first I mean I don't think it would be any longer than a months difference
Originally Posted by
Stall first.